A bit about myself

I’ve drawn since I could hold a pencil. I always wanted to create and also to communicate effectively other people’s stories, that’s the reason why I studied journalism. At the Faculty of Communication at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, I learned the importance of developing multidisciplinarian knowledge, striving to be proficient in every tool for communicating. There I started creating my first mockups and editorial designs for our amateur newspapers and magazines. I was discovering my real passion. And as what it seemed to me a most natural conclusion, design became my profession of choice.

Since the beginning of my career as a designer, 8 years ago, I’ve always strived to work in ethical oriented environments, from the German Cooperation in Beijing to the United Nations on Torino and, recently, as a partner in a design cooperative involved in Sustainable Economy projects.

Hiruki is triangle in basque

Hiruki means “triangle” in Basque. My grandmother lived in Bilbao after the Spanish Civil War,  she had to learn on the spot working wherever she could, and she had to use any skill possible to survive. My grandfather was an artist and an anarchist, always dreaming, creating new inventions and writing poems for his granddaughters. I like to think I have a little bit of both, my grandmother’s pragmatism and my grandfather’s creativity because I’m a multi-disciplinarian, self-taught and a bit of a dreamer. Three points that determine a unique triangle.

Hiruki is design, communication and illustration. Hiruki is editorial, audiovisual and interactive design. Three edges, three vertices, a triangle.